Tempwayfarer's Blog

Politics & Religion, mostly

News from The Front

Posted by tempwayfarer on September 6, 2010

I’ve given up on politics. That doesn’t work.

To borrow from Sarah Connor, “There’s a storm coming”. Prepare.

No shit.

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POTUS Obama’s Civilian Army is now LAW and is Funded

Posted by tempwayfarer on April 4, 2010

Apparently this is not the version of the health bill which was finally passed, but the intent is clear and the new bill supposedly has similar language.  The source of the paramilitary teens is unknown.


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The Economic Collapse?

Posted by tempwayfarer on March 13, 2010

America has been like a heroin addict on a credit high for 40 years. Back when we had “hard money” (aka American money), money was evidence of wealth already in existence, as in gold and silver; a real thing you could own as “property”. USA effectively went bankrupt in 1934 so our gold coin was replaced with the IOUs, Federal Reserve Notes, which are not government money but bank notes. Silver can not be inflated, paper can, which is why between 1964 and 1971 silver was taken out of circulation.   Inflation is when newly printed money borrows some of the value of existing money. We have a faith-based currency: it is worthless except for a belief that it can be traded for something.

Fiat Currency

In the fall of 2008, since the world’s currencies are built on a foundation of the American dollar (their ‘reserve currency’) and since the bankers had been creating a house of cards to feed their gambling habit, we almost crashed the world’s economies, which are all connected and intertwined. The bailouts were not designed to “fix” the problems but to slow down the crash so instead of hitting the mountainside we would crash into the trees and mostly survive, buying time. It accomplished that purpose, but we are now being lied to with claims that the worst is behind us and we should get on with “recovery”. We’re not done crashing yet.

All the indicators we use to gauge the strength and health of the economy are giving us false readings because everything is being propped up with government money. Housing prices should be 20% lower than they are. The stock market should be half of what the DOW says it is. The 47% of Americans who pay no net taxes since they are poor and get checks from the government should be starving in the streets, since they produce nothing, but they are not, thanks to being propped up with government money. The government can not live within its means so has to borrow unimaginable amounts of money every year to continue propping up all the stuff which Nature and Nature’s God (inventor of the impersonal Laws of Physics) say should be allowed to fail.

This spring the Federal Reserve bankers MUST begin to raise interest rates. This is necessary to prevent inflation. In various ways, huge amounts of new money/credit have been created out of thin air in the last couple of years. Fortunately most of it has been sucked up by the “de-leveraging” process
and hasn’t really hit the streets or we would have already seen considerable inflation. That extra money has to be reabsorbed into the government/bankers’ maw before it seriously steals value from existing money at street level. This is done by raising interest rates, or taxes. Withdrawing excess money/credit from the system is necessary but painful. Ronald Reagan’s deliberate recession in the early 80s was the cure for Jimmy “you can trust me” Carter’s inflation.

The problem is, we are already in a severe recession and the economy can’t really stand having its money/credit supply drastically reduced. Yet it must be done, and soon (NOW). As interest rates increase significantly (Under Carter they were 21.5%) the amount of money needed for the Federal government to service its incredibly high debt goes up. Basically, Uncle Sam has a $15 Trillion adjustable rate debt. Just like in housing, when interest rates increase, the amount per payment goes up fast. Uncle Sam is broke. He can’t make those payments without somehow creating more free money. But ‘them’ creating free money steals value from the money ‘you’ already have.


The reason I say trouble is coming before the year is out is there is a MidTerm National election in November. Every Congressperson is up for reelection and 1/3 of the Senators. The media is in thrall to the commies in charge (CIC) and the business community (media is corporate) wants people to confidently borrow and spend money. So between now and November we will hear lots of “happy talk” about how we are well on the “road to recovery”. But the reality is, our economic train is heading for one of those cartoon tunnels which turn out to be only painted on the mountainside. Because the government/banking complex driving the train still believes in preserving and maintaining the status quo. The status quo is based on debt, not accumulated wealth.

Our money gets its perceived value from the future, it is a lien on things yet to be produced. Faith that they will be produced gives it value. When confidence fails….

The world can not absorb any new debt. Government can not continue borrowing $Trillions every year, and I have noticed that it has been some years since anyone in media pointed out that government borrowing is in direct competition to corporate and private borrowing. The more government borrows, the less is left for the “private sector’ to borrow.

Meanwhile the “recovery” (we can’t go back to a consumer borrowing/spending -driven model) is on hold because business, especially small business, is uncertain of what the rules will be and what the future brings. The White House is directly responsible for this uncertainty. Nobody knows what their cost will be to provide health care to their employees, whether taxes will increase, will we get “cap&trade’ or whether they are connected enough (the “politics of pull”) or will be deemed un-green enough to survive by their government masters. So business is laying low, on hold, waiting to see what shoe will drop next. They are not borrowing, not hiring, keeping inventories low, cutting back, getting lean and mean so as to survive if possible whatever new insults to common sense come from the damned government over the next several years.

Meanwhile, (borrowed) government money keeps propping up the crappy; keeping housing prices artificially high, propping up the stock market, sending out the welfare checks. But it can’t afford to do all that for much longer because it is living beyond its means and its ability to borrow will not continue much longer. Because nobody trusts it; nobody knows what it will do next. If the world stops using the Dollar as its reserve currency, stops buying into our debt, starts using something else as what oil must be purchased with, all that money (used to be called “euro-dollars”) comes home, because nobody else wants it. Federal Reserve Notes will be blowing around the streets like oak leaves in fall.

Meanwhile, back at the conspiracy, every evil empire must take control of agriculture. It will happen here. Since the 1930s laws already exist to give Federal government complete jurisdiction over agriculture and its distribution. Your home garden makes you (if they want) a Soviet Collective Farmer. There will be emergencies, anti-hoarding laws. Your kitchen affects a public interest.

So now would be a good time to put some non-perishable food away for emergencies. Invest now (while we have jobs and before inflation triples prices) in stuff you know you will use over the next several years, like boots, tennis shoes, and anything imported (when the dollar tanks it makes imports more expensive since it takes more dollars to buy the thing). Things which will be in short supply are best bought now, like ammunition. Reduce overhead, live below your means, become lean&mean. Be able to stay home for a month, since you will have a reserve of all needs. Get the car ready while you can afford to. Buy a camp stove and fuel for when the power goes out due to earthquake, storm, Iranian EMP attack, riots, government/union strikes or alien attack.

The status quo is unsustainable. Most of what we have been taught are failed doctrines of the past. When you are prepared for the worst, you are in a position to help others.

For future reference, the United States Postal Service always works, even when computers don’t. Trade snail-mail addresses with those you care about, keep a hard copy, invest in “forever” stamps.

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Gov vs Private: the health insurance wars

Posted by tempwayfarer on March 4, 2010

The Progressive’s plan is so obvious: drive private insurance companies out of business and replace them with a government-controlled system. Classic use of the Cloward-Piven Strategy:

Just in case everyone hasn’t figured it out yet, government’s recent (100 years for the Progressives) attempt to take over the medical industry is not about medicine or money, it is a naked power grab. Every aspect of your life affects a “public interest” when government gets to decide who gets what when. Therefore every aspect of your life may be taxed and regulated.

Did you-all learn nothing by observing how in the recent bailouts the principle was established that those who accept privileges ($) from government become servants of the government?

The Administration’s (as yet unstated) Vision for America is becoming clearer. China is the new model. This explains why there are so many self-admitted Maoists in Washington now.

They still require the consent of the governed. I suggest you withdraw your consent. France got rid of its Monarchy by laughing at it and ignoring it. Perhaps that would work here.

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The Truth shall make you free; propping up the crappy hurts us

Posted by tempwayfarer on February 26, 2010

Let’s understand one thing. “Recovery” is not the right word. We will not return to the credit high which got us into this mess. Excess consumption based on imagining we will be better able to pay in the future for what we want now, isn’t going to happen. Reconstruction is a better word. Our economy must be reinvented, not just in what we do but why we do it and how we pay for it. If we figure out good ways, we will earn our bread and our children will have a bright future. If we don’t, welcome to West Virginia, formerly known as USA.

The current policy of propping up the mildly crappy prevents recovery. We need to push the reset button and that means allowing things (prices) to find their natural level. Example: In the housing market that means letting what will fail, fail. Home prices are still 20% above their true historical value. If we allow true market forces (without government or bank manipulation to continue creating a false picture), we will have “reality” which is what trade, commerce, business and industry thrive on.

Another example: The stock market is being propped up with government money. Its true value is really much lower. “The DOW” should not read 10,000 but more like maybe 6,000. Government money creates a false picture which leads to unrealistic investments which lead to failure. Bubbles always pop.

The present malaise is mostly caused by uncertainty. While the White House spends years attempting to “fundamentally change” everything, business does not know what the future rules will be. What will happen to their costs of providing health insurance to their employees? At what rate will they be taxed? What will inflation look like? Will the world dump the ‘dollar’? Will we get cap&trade? These and other uncertainties have business, particularly small business which provides 70% of all American jobs (the other 150% are government jobs 😉 ) waiting it out, conserving cash and playing defense. This does not lead to “recovery”.

One thing is certain. We already have a 5 year inventory of housing. The building trades expanded greatly (# of persons engaged in them) during the run-up of the housing bubble. They need to find new lines of work, because it will never be like it was.

Below are 2 articles talking about this from a slightly different angle


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Survival Podcast

Posted by tempwayfarer on February 20, 2010

You don’t have to devote much money or space to have some food put away for emergencies. Using your own dehydrated food in everyday cooking means more nutrition and convenience for a LOT smaller food budget because you can take advantage of sales and bulk purchases.

Episode-367 An Interview with Tammy Gangloff of Dehydrate2Store

download the podcast free.
With any luck you’ll become a Zealot and fanatically attempt to convert everyone you know to the True Way, thus saving America when things go bad because people will be prepared and generally more self-sufficient.

You know how it is when the recipe calls for a package of dry onion soup mix, so you get in the car, go to the store, and they want $3 for it but it’s mostly full of chemicals?
This podcast will get you thinking.
This is the lady guest in the podcast:


This site’s search function works very well if there are any particular things you wish to learn about. Like The Sun! Coronal Mass Ejection! What are you going to do about that, huh?

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If I were President tomorrow

Posted by tempwayfarer on February 12, 2010

The President is Constitutionally mandated “from time to time” to give his State of The Union address to the Legislative Branch. First thing I would do is address the Supreme Court (the Judicial Branch). I would ask them to meet the next morning, I would go into their chamber, step up to the microphone and give a speech along these lines:

Our Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch and this Court without saying much about its form or defining its responsibilities very clearly. This Court has done an admirable job of making rules and establishing procedures for itself as it goes along, but it has played a passive role, waiting for actual cases and controversies to be brought before it and has wisely refused to offer opinions during the formation of legislation.

As of this minute, I as Chief Executive, declare a National Emergency and ask this Court to assist me in dealing with it. The symptoms of this emergency are wide-ranging; an unpayable National Debt, our currency facing inevitable destruction, talk among the States and The People of secession, the political process stalemated by Parties and monied interests. The cause of the emergency is simple; the Federal government has grown from that mild unifying influence which our Founders intended into a ravening monster consuming ever more wealth and exercising ever greater influence over the lives of a once free people, to the point where the United States government and its agents run half the planet, and tell the Sovereign citizens they have no expectation of privacy concerning the location of their cell phone and how many gallons their toilet may flush. This is unsustainable and must change now.

I need this Court’s help. The Legislative Branch has been compromised by what are nicely called special interests but is actually corruption. They can’t get much done and everything ends up a watered-down compromise which will not upset anyone’s cozy arrangements. I ask this Court to, at least temporarily, suspend its reluctance to be part of the planning process. I ask this because while I have limited veto power over legislation, this Court has veto power over all government actions if they conflict with the Constitution.

Our goal is to drastically reduce the size, cost, and meddling influence of the Federal government until it fits back inside its Constitutional limits. States will once again be Sovereign, second only to The People. Most of what the Federal government does now is not authorized by its founding document.

For now I’ll just briefly mention a few points we will need to address. Nowhere in the Constitution did The Sovereign People give us “defined and limited” power to take money from one person and give it to another. So we must find ways to stop or phase out all “entitlement” programs without suddenly pulling the rug out from under our seniors and other persons who have come to rely on the taxpayers to support them. The Dept of Education has achieved Cabinet-level importance, but the Constitution gives us no authority over education, that being a State issue. The EPA has some legitimate functions under the Commerce Clause, but we have no authority to drive an Idaho cabinet-maker out of business because of the lacquer fumes from his paint booth. That’s Idaho’s problem. See where I’m going here?

In 1913 Congress gave its power to “coin money and regulate the value thereof” to a private banking cartel, the Federal Reserve. I can’t actually make Congress take back that power but I run the Treasury Dept, so we’ll find a way to end the largest scam in the history of the world. We must find a way to do it without crashing the world’s economies and also without the taxpayers having to spend the next 5 generations paying off the National Debt, much of which actually belongs to the bankers. We will return to some form of sound money. The Constitution mandates gold and silver, but if we need to find other basis for honest money which is a store of wealth and not an instrument of debt as our currency is now, The States can amend it.

Thanks to a long series of Executive Orders issued by my predecessors by declaring a National Emergency The President may assume broad emergency powers. The first thing I need from this Court is advice on which I should assume, not only to restore Constitutional government but also to reassure the public and The States that I am not bent on becoming a dictator. I announce at this time that I will not seek reelection and that the next scheduled National Election will happen as scheduled.

I ask this Court to please submit to me a list of people and facilities you will need to take on this additional responsibility. The Executive Branch will have plenty of both to put at your disposal by next week since we will be closing many offices.


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Posted by tempwayfarer on February 5, 2010

Facts and Logic will not win the day. Emotion will.

Obama will drag the “debate” out for however many months it takes to give the Republicans time to offend every Hispanic, thus driving them into the Democrat Camp for the next 2 generations. This will happen even though most Mexican immigrants are naturally Conservative. While Democrats cry “Racism!” Republicans will effectively be saying how bad it is that USA is being overrun by Mexicans. Since most people are emotional and not rational thinkers, the facts will fall through the cracks while the main message sticks: Republicans don’t like Mexicans.

Once Amnestia is achieved, very few Mexicans will register as Republican.
Notice how that “12 million” number has not changed for years and years? There must be 12 million illegal aliens in California alone. The true number Nationwide is probably more like 40 million if one includes people here illegally from all countries. That’s about the same as the number of people who are homeowners and a very significant % of people old enough to vote. So it’s big. Really big. And Victory is almost guaranteed for this Democratic strategy.

If the Republicans want to win those 2 generations for their own camp, they need to use a different strategy. Do not fight amnesty; co-opt it. Amnesty is going to happen, Republicans should not fight it but own it. Republicans should point out how we need to rescue these poor refugees from corruption-torn Mexico, rescue them from Feudal Serfdom, and fight like heck to get every one of them into English language classes. If they follow this strategy most Mexicans will become Republicans and the Democratic strategy will be defeated.

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State of The Union

Posted by tempwayfarer on January 28, 2010

Prior to yesterday’s SOTU speech I sent a text to my many fans (HA!) saying what he must do is define an objective, lay out the plan. Listing programs doesn’t make it. An example of doing this was 1962 Kennedy “before the end of the decade we will land a man on the moon and return him safely”. An objective. A plan. After thinking about it I sent a 2nd text saying if the Republicans just bitched and listed their ideas about what to do with some of the issues, they too fail, having not stated an objective and a plan. This is what America needs right now, we are drowning in details of a million different topics.

America knows what objectives have highest priority; revamping our monetary/banking/financial regulatory/etc systems. If we don’t fix the money, all else fails. The mechanics of money, banking, etc are well understood, there are no mysteries about what works and what leads to destruction. This must be job one.

After hearing the speech I detected no overall objective/plan. But having XM satellite radio and driving all night, I got to listen to the experts, from different points of view. It soon became clear that the Big Picture, the objective, is implicit in the speech if unstated as such. Total control by government of everything and everyone. Government is the source of everything from jobs to innovation to education to scientific research. Government must be the command and control center for everything. Tax incentives for this and that to push us in the desired direction. Private Property does not exist in Obama’s reality, the concept never crosses his mind. Government has jurisdiction over everything; sweep the broad brush and millions march.

Unfortunately this is not how America is designed to function. This is of course why “change” is necessary, why America must be remade, wealth “redistributed” and the constitution ignored.

It won’t work. What Obama et all do not understand is that at least half of Americans have our own minds. We think we own this place, create constitutions and hire people like him to run the Army and dispatch diplomats. We did not create President and hire someone for the job to redesign our lives and tell us what we will do and how we will do it.

Them hillbillies is lookin smarter all the time. When the revenuer shows up they don’t care who sent him or what “they” plan to do with the money or what their views are concerning foreign policy. “Ma! Get the shotgun.” That’s all they really need to know. Fortunately no action on our part is required. All we have to do is withdraw our consent and stop asking government for permission. “They” require the consent of the victim because they lack the force necessary to make 300 million people spread out over a continent do what they want. Their power comes from us, in a very practical way. We should stop loaning it to such irresponsible delusional people.

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Let airport security machines kill off the Jet Set, we’ll take the bus?

Posted by tempwayfarer on January 11, 2010

Is it time to “just say no” to the ridiculous farce which air travel has become? Government’s Byzantine approach to security will always fail some of the time, so it will continue to become more insane until some genius realizes we must start profiling questionable people instead of objects and leave the rest of us alone.

What kind of sheep have we become, standing in lines in our socks while illiterates confiscate our shampoo and toothpaste just so we can get our genes scrambled and then held prisoner in a torture seat and told when we may not use the bathroom? How much of this madness are we going to take? Personally, I’ll take the bus. At least the bus driver lets you out for a leg stretch and smoke break once in a while.

1) How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

2) Full-Body Scanners Increase Cancer Risk

3) Cancer Danger In Airport ‘Backscatter’ X-Ray Machines

4) Cancer Risks Debated for Type of X-Ray Scan

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